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A. The foundational scriptural pillars in which Christian Elect Ministries erected upon are:


1. Mark 3:27

2. Matt 12:29

3. Matt 16:19


B. The word support for the name in which the Christian Elect Ministries is to be identified in the earth and in the realm of the Spirit . is found within its two ministries:


4. The Ministry of Prayer- 1 Thess 5:16/ Matt 21:13/ Isa 56:7


5. The Ministry of Fasting- 1 Peter 4 emphasis on verses 1&2... ISA 58...


C. Our Earthly assignment . can be  found in ISA 44 and 45...  the assignment is to rebuild the the Temple.


D. Establish Altars of Holiness and Fire in the Earth.. for healing and deliverance for the masses... and where the Almighty can receive offerings of obedience from his chief creation (Mankind)


E. The call of the Elect mission is a prophetic call .. to subdue demonic princes in the realm of the spirit.. satanic deities controlling atmospheres contending with the relationship and intimacy between God and his inheritance, the Body of Christ...


F. The Christian Elect Ministries Ministerial Units


1. The Crusade Ministry â€“  gatherings  and  assemblies for the move of God in deliverance from demonic possession and spiritual and physical healing...




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